WARNING! Today’s post is a little HARSH. But I feel like it needs to be said. #sorrynotsorry
Here’s the deal: I am ALL about going after goals. If there is something you want bad enough, and I mean really, truly want — JUST DO IT already.
Be confident. Make up your mind. Don’t be wishy washy. And please, for the love of God, stop making excuses.
You know those people in your life that complain all the time about being fat, or broke, or in a bad relationship, or…whatever it is that makes them unhappy. It’s like they just want to TALK about what they don’t like about their life and then once they’ve vented enough they don’t feel the need to change anything. The venting was enough for them. I call it “word vomit.”
Alright, we ALL do it. I’m not pointing fingers here. I do it, too. (You guys, one of the reasons I write is for self pep-talk.)
My excuse most recently has been motherhood:
“I can’t do that, because I am a mom.”
“I don’t have time, because I am a busy mom.”
“I can’t look like that, I had a baby.”
Blah blah blah.
Ok people. Listen up: It’s time to STOP TALKING ABOUT IT. Let’s DO something.
If something is REALLY that important to you where you feel the need to vent about it ALL the time, it’s obviously weighing on you pretty heavily. It’s time to STOP making excuses.
Some excuses are REAL and some are ABSOLUTELY 100% BS. Be your own judge here, but don’t be afraid to work on yourself.
This is SO important, you guys. We are entitled to feel amazing. We are entitled to confidence. We are entitled to look our absolute best. We are entitled to happiness. We are entitled to be financially secure. But all of these things take WORK. It’s about making the smart, right decision every chance you get, which all add up over time. Those decisions become habits, and our habits become our reality.
What do you want most in life right now? What has been your excuse lately? What are you going to do about it?
The post Stop Making Excuses – When It Is OK to Be Selfish appeared first on Skinny Opinion.